Informal chats about the ideas that matter to Autogram. Less a blog, more of a sneak peek into our Slack.
Jeff explores pattern wise, system foolish.
Design systems are not pattern libraries, and abandoning them for “experimental” AI won’t free us from constraints.
Ethan and
Jeff explore the quality of well-structuredness.
The goal of structured content isn’t more structure; it’s to put handles on bits of information that live inside of other content so software can do useful stuff with that information on demand.
What do we call the quality that makes it easier for software to do that? Parsability touches on how easily data can be teased out by algorithms, but isn’t quite right. Accessibility feels close, but collides with the broader concept of web accessibility. Availability might work, but it’s important to focus on goals and audience rather than technical criteria. “Who is the data accessible to, and for what purpose?” is a better question to ask than “How accessible is it?”
Jeff discusses the language of patterns.
Patterns didn’t start as a way to standardize architectural discussions; they were meant to reduce complexity down to choices a system’s users could make.